Off-Campus Living
Explore different off-campus housing options near TCU using the College Pads Off-Campus Housing Marketplace.
This platform provides various filters, including the number of beds, bathrooms, cost, and amenities. It also provides additional resources such as a TCU map, TCU Bike Share, and an Off-Campus Housing Brochure.
*** For details on off-campus living, including tips to make the transition smoothly, be sure to read the Off-Campus Brochure. ***
Students who live within a 30-mile radius of TCU with a parent or legal guardian are eligible to commute from home. Please follow the steps below to complete your commuter request form.
- Go to and enter your username and password
- Click the Student Services tile
- Click Housing Portal
- Click Forms in the purple menu bar
- Choose the Commuter Request Form
Complete, notarize, and upload your Commuter Request Form (accessible in the Housing Portal) and wait for written approval from the Housing & Residence Life team.